DSP Roland JP-08 Control 1.0.6
Roland JP-08 Max For Live Control
You can now control your Roland Boutique JP-08 Synth in Ableton Live! Update your synth to firmware system 1.10 and use this Max for Live patch to control and automate it. No more fiddling with tiny knobs or sliders.
Note: Remember to set your synth to MIDI Mode 3 or 4 to send and receive MIDI Messages. You can find out how from this PDF by Roland: https://static.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/JP-08_JU-06_JX-03_l_ver110_e01_W.pdf
**1.0.2 update**
Some extra debugging and testing. Download the updated version from the Gumroad.com site.
**1.0.3 update**
GUI update to match the synth's look better.
**1.0.4 update**
Added Assign mode for Poly Solo & Unison modes
**1.0.5 update**
More uniform layouts of banks for Push & Push 2
**1.0.6 update**
On rare occasion the Expression Pedal fader would start at 0, making the synth silent. this has now been fixed.